CDP Institute Southeast Asia
The Customer Data Platform Institute is a vendor-neutral organization dedicated to helping marketers manage customer data.
Important Resources
We provide informative resources to help you manage customer data.
The CDP Institute is managed by Raab Associates Inc., a consultancy specializing in marketing technology and analysis. Raab Associates defined Customer Data Platforms as a category in 2013.
The Customer Data Platform Institute Southeast Asia (CDPI SEA) educates marketers about the issues, methods, and technology used to manage customer data, with a special focus on Customer Data Platforms. Our mission is to educate marketers and marketing technologists about how Customer Data Platforms can solve critical marketing data needs.

The CDPI SEA provides vendor-neutral information about issues, methods, and technology related to customer data management in general and to Customer Data Platforms in particular. Activities include publishing educational materials, news about industry developments, the creation of best practice guides and benchmarks, and a directory of industry vendors.

Modern marketing requires a unified view of customer data to support coordinated, optimal treatment of each customer and prospect across all channels throughout the customer life cycle. Customer Data Platforms allow marketers to create this unified view.

Individual membership in the CDPI SEA is free of charge.
Join the CDP Institute SEA for free access to valuable information and insights.
We are Customer Data Platform Institute Southeast Asia (CDPI SEA).
Join us as a member. It’s free.
Our Mission
To educate marketers and marketing technologists about how Customer Data Platforms can solve critical marketing data needs.